Space 1999 44" Eagle Transporter
1/24th, Studio Or Thereabouts Scale

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Parts, parts everywhere!

The Bits And Pieces...
Part 1 As It Were...

Welcome back to this gig one and all!

Short ice age time between updates I know and my apologies for that,
my fault and no excuses here.

Onward already.

Right then, the detail plates for the inside of the cage frames got brought out of hiding,
some self etching grey primer liberally applied followed by a couple of coats of matt white primer.

Once all paint had cured nicely, the next day saw a little bits of paintwork applied,
then came the much used and bloody useful dark grey wash.
A mix of Flory Models dark dirt and concrete wash liberally slapped on and left to dry.

As is the nicety with water based washes, just a rub down with a
lightly dampened cloth will do the trick to remove the excess.
The result...

The door parts came out nicely with some hastily run up DIY waterslide decals.

The rest of the bits likewise with decals where appropriate.

Now due to plan changes and so forth, i'll only be doing one of these so time for a detail binge of sorts.
Pipe work!

Lots of holes drilled then some brass wire, aluminium wire and heat shrink sleeving got thrown at it.
And it wouldn't be very...
'Spacey' like...
without some slightly wrinkled gold foil.

Some close ups for you.

A very swift mock up with one of the side shelf things.

So none too shabby, on with the rest of the bits adding pipe work where appropriate.
And by 'appropriate', I mean where it looks nice.

Last bits on the other two side plates.

Large bit o' piping for the shelf part.
A bit of 2mm brass wire with some short lengths of heat shrink sleeving on it.
Just dry fitted, these will be placed in a permanent fashion once the shelves are installed.

Lastly in this update, a quick mock up look see.
I'll add some more piping from the side plates to the shelves
after they are all installed where they should be

And that's that for this bit!

More to come when we get back to the framework and the finishing of that.
Take care out there untill next time all!

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